Woodland Middle School Newsletter - Woodland Public Schools

gender expression, gender identity, disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other ...
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Woodla nd M iddle School Newsletter Summer 2018, Volume 1 I ssue 10

July 2018 & Beyond 7/ 01/ 18 Online Registration opens for Fall Sports in Family ID 8/ 18/ 18

Back to School Bash @WHS 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm

8/ 20/ 18

WMS Cross Country & Boys' Golf Begins @WHS

8/ 24/ 18

Lunch & Lockers 12:00 pm 2:00 pm

8/ 27/ 18

Football, Girls' Volleyball & Girls' Soccer Practices Begin

8/ 28/ 18


8/ 31/ 18

Back to School Information Lunch & Lockers Friday, August 24, 2018 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm Free Lunch for Students & Families Students will receive their locker assignments & combinations, they will also have a chance to meet their Homeroom teacher!

FALL SPORTS Online registration for fall sports will open on July 1st through the FamilyID link on the Athletics page of the WMS website or use the below link by clicking on Family ID. Payments for associated fees and fines will also be paid online through "Online Payments" link on WMS school page left side. If you do not have a computer, please contact the WMS office for assistance on Monday, August 20th. All students must have a current sports physical (these are valid for 2 years), all required paperwork, a current ASB, the associated Sports Fee paid, and all fines and fees paid prior to participating. Fall sports start dates are as follows: Cr oss Cou n t r y & Boys' Golf - Au gu st 20t h


9/ 3/ 18

Labor Day Holiday - NO SCHOOL

9/ 7/ 18

School Pictures

Gir ls' Soccer & Volleyball, Foot ball - Au gu st 27t h

Woodla nd M iddle School Newsletter Ver a no 2018, Volumen 1 I ssue 10

Julio 2018 & Mas Alla 7/ 01/ 18 Se abre la inscripcion en linea para los deportes de otono en la identificacion familiar 8/ 18/ 18

Back to School Bash @WHS 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm

8/ 20/ 18

Comienza el WMS Cross Country & Boys' Gold @WHS

8/ 24/ 18

Almuerzo y taquillas 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm

8/ 27/ 18

Comienza el futbol, el voleibol femenino y las practicas de futbol femenino

8/ 28/ 18

Primer dia de la escuela

8/ 31/ 18

Información de regreso a la escuela Al muerzo y t aquil l as Viernes , Agosto 24, 2018 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm Almuerzo gratis para estudiantes y familias Los estudiantes recibirán sus asignaciones y combinaciones de casilleros, ¡también tendrán la oportunidad de conocer a su maestra de Homeroom! DEPORTES DE CAÍDA La inscripción en línea para deportes de otoño se abrirá el 1 de julio a través del enlace FamilyID en la página de Atletismo del sitio web de WMS o use el enlace a continuación haciendo clic en Family ID. Los pagos por tarifas y multas asociadas también se pagarán en línea a través del enlace "Pagos en línea" en la página de la escuela WMS, lado izquierdo. Si no tiene una computadora, comuníquese con la oficina de WMS para recibir asistencia el lunes 20 de agosto. Todos los estudiantes deben tener un examen físico deportivo actual (estos son válidos por 2 años), todos los trámites necesarios, un ASB actual, el costo deportivo asociado pagado, y todas las multas y tarifas pagadas antes de participar. Las fechas de inicio de los deportes de otoño son las siguientes:

Cross Country & Golf de Ninos - 20 de agosto No hay clases

9/ 3/ 18

Dia del Trabajo de vacaciones - NO HAY ESCUELA

9/ 7/ 18

Fotos de la escuela

Fútbol femenino y voleibol, fútbol - 27 de agosto

"Be t he change y ou w i sh t o see i n t he w or l d"

Fr om t he Nur se 2018-2019 School Year Medicat ion Requirement s 1) If your child needs to take medication at school, whether the medication is over the counter or prescribed, a new medication authorization form is required to be on file at school. Please have the doctor fill out one medication authorization form for each medication. a. Cough drops are considered a medication and are not permitted at school without a signed medication authorization form from a physician. 2) If a medication or treatment order and supplies/ equipment are not provided, the principal of the school is required to exclude the child until such order has been provided. This requirement applies to students who are new to the district, and students who are already enrolled. Our exclusion procedures are in accordance with the rules (WACs) of the State Board of Education. STUDENTS REQUIRING AN INHALER, EPIPEN, OR OTHER EMERGENCY MEDICATION WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO START SCHOOL ON THE FIRST DAY WITHOUT PHYSICIAN ORDERS AND MEDICATION AT SCHOOL. 3) The school does not supply any medication. Parents/ Guardians are required to transport ALL medication directly to the school and give it to an adult. For their safety, students are not allowed to carry or transport any medication unless authorized by their physician. a. Prescription medication must be given to the school in the original pharmacy container and have the pharmacy label attached. i. The medication prescription label and physician order MUST match b. Over-the-counter medication must be given to the school, unopened. c. Expired medication will not be accepted.

NEW WM S Su per vision Sch edu le Commons doors will be open at 9:15 am (Monday) and 8:00 am (T-F). This is when the school can provide supervision for students before this time. Students will need to remain in the commons area until 9:45 am (Monday) and 8:30 am (T-F). After that time, students may go to the following supervised areas: -

Yellow Gym Outside Area near the Yellow Gym Stay in the Commons Go to the Library Head to their lockers

M essages f r om t h e Woodlan d M iddle Sch ool Of f ice St af f Parents it is imperative that you contact the office as early as possible in the day with messages that need to be delivered to students. If at all possible, con t act t h e of f ice pr ior t o 3 pm w it h m essages. Food Service payments must be received pr ior t o 10:00 am in order for them to be processed for the same business day.

"Se el cam bi o que deseas v er en el m undo"

De La Enf er m er a

NUEVO horario de supervisión de WMS Las puertas de los comunes estarán abiertas a las 9:15 a.m. (lunes) y a las 8:00 a.m. (T-F). Esto es cuando la escuela puede proporcionar supervisión a los estudiantes antes de este momento. Los estudiantes deberán permanecer en el área común hasta las 9:45 a.m. (lunes) y las 8:30 a.m. (T-F). Después de ese tiempo, los estudiantes pueden ir a las siguientes áreas supervisadas: -

Gimnasio amarillo Área exterior cerca del gimnasio amarillo Quédate en los Comunes Ir a la biblioteca Dirígete a sus casilleros

M en sajes de la Escu ela secu n dar ia Woodlan d Per son al de of icin a

Padres es imperativo que se comuniquen con la oficina lo más temprano posible en el día con mensajes que deben ser entregados a los estudiantes. Si es posible, comuníquese con la oficina antes de las 3 pm con mensajes. Los pagos del servicio de alimentos se deben recibir antes de las 10:00 am para que se procesen para el mismo día hábil.

"B e t h e ch an ge y o u w i sh t o see i n t h e w o r l d "

April Student of the Month 5t h Gr ad e K at i e H o l l er : i s alw ay s r ead y f or th e d ay w i th a sm i l e on . Sh e n ot on ly d oes w h at i s asked , bu t sh e alw ay s p u sh es h er sel f f u r t h er an d d i gs d eep er i n h er l ear n i n g. Sh e i s a gr eat f r i en d t o oth er s an d stu d en t.

Em m a W al l w ay : i s a m ath w i zar d w h o tr i es h er best! Sh e i s ver y k i n d to ever y on e ar ou n d h er an d i s alw ay s p r acti ci n g th e 4 B's.

6th Gr ad e K ei l an a Er i ck so n : i s a h ar d w or ker w h o gets th i n gs d on e on ti m e. Sh e p u ts gr eat d et ai l i n h er w r i ti n g. Sh e i s k i n d to oth er s. Sh e i s ver y h el p f u l an d n ever com p l ai n s.

Jay (T o n y ) Peo n i o : alw ay s gets r i gh t on task . H e n ever com p l ai n s abou t d oi n g w or k . T h i s st u d en t al so gets al on g w el l w i th oth er s an d l oves to r ead w h en h e i s al l cau gh t u p w i t h h i s w or k .

7th Gr ad e

T ai l o r C o o k : i s r esp ectf u l , h ar d w or k i n g an d r esp on si bl e. Sh e i s tr u stw or th y, an d i s alw ay s d oi n g h er best!

A l ej an d r a Val en ci a- A r r oy o : i s a k i n d an d car i n g stu d en t! Sh e w or k s r eal ly h ar d on ever y t h i n g sh e attem p ts too! W ood l an d M i d d l e Sch ool i s l u ck y to h ave su ch a m od el st u d en t .

8t h Gr ad e Ro m an Ed d y : i s an excep ti on al p er son . H e i s an ex am p l e to oth er s i n h ow h e beh aves, h ow h e str i ves to ach i eve an d h ow h e con d u cts h i m sel f . Rom an i s l i ked by h i s p eer s. H e w or k s d i l i gen tly an d w i th ou t h esi tati on to com p l ete task s.

M acy St ap l et o n : d em on str ates i n cr ed i bl e d r i ve f or acad em i c su ccess. Sh e i s alw ay s r esp on si bl e t o ask th e m ost ap p r op r i ate qu esti on s to m ove cl assr oom d i scu ssi on to a m or e m ean i n gf u l an d val u abl e p l an e. I l ook f or w ar d to M acy 's con ti n u ed accom p l i sh m en ts th r ou gh h i gh sch ool an d bey on d .

"Se el cam bi o que deseas v er en el m undo "

Estudiante de Abril del mes 5to Gr ad o K at i e H o l l er : si em p r e está l i sto p ar a el d ía con u n a son r i sa. El l a n o sol o h ace l o qu e se l e p i d e, si n o qu e si em p r e se esf u er za m ás y p r of u n d i za en su ap r en d i zaje. El l a es u n a gr an am i ga d e l os d em ás y estu d i an te.

Em m a W al l w ay : es u n m ago d e l as m at em áti cas qu e h ace tod o l o p osi bl e! El l a es m u y am abl e con tod os l os qu e l a r od ean y si em p r e p r acti ca l as 4 B's.

6to Gr ad o K ei l an a Er i ck so n : es u n gr an tr abajad or qu e h ace l as cosas a ti em p o. El l a p on e gr an d et al l e en su escr i tu r a. El l a es am abl e con l os d em ás. El l a es m u y ú ti l y n u n ca se qu eja.

Jay (T o n y ) Peo n i o : si em p r e se p on e a l a al tu r a d e l a tar ea. Él n u n ca se qu eja d e h acer el t r abajo. Est e estu d i an te tam bi én se l l ev a bi en con l os d em ás y l e en can ta l eer cu an d o est á at r ap ad o con su tr abajo.

Sep t i m o Gr ad o T ai l o r C o o k : es r esp etu oso, tr abajad or y r esp on sabl e. ¡El l a es con f i abl e, y si em p r e est á h aci en d o su m ejor esf u er zo!

A l ej an d r a Val en ci a- A r r oy o :es u n estu d i an te am abl e y car i ñ oso! ¡El l a tr abaja m u y d u r o en t od o l o qu e i n ten ta tam bi én ! W ood l an d M i d d l e Sch ool ti en e l a su er te d e ten er u n est u d i an t e m od el o.

O ct ovo Gr ad o Ro m an Ed d y : es u n a p er son a excep ci on al . Él es u n ejem p l o p ar a otr os en cóm o se com p or t a, cóm o se esf u er za p or l ogr ar y cóm o se com p or ta. Rom an es qu er i d o p or su s com p añ er os. Él tr abaja d i l i gen tem en t e y si n vaci l aci ón p ar a com p l etar tar eas.

M acy St ap l et o n : d em u estr a u n i m p u l so i n cr eíbl e p ar a el éx i to acad ém i co. El l a si em p r e es r esp on sabl e d e h acer l as p r egu n tas m ás ap r op i ad as p ar a l l evar el d ebat e en el au l a a u n p l an o m ás si gn i f i cati vo y v al i oso. Esp er o l os l ogr os con ti n u os d e M acy h ast a l a escu el a secu n d ar i a y m ás al l á.

"B e t h e ch an ge y o u w i sh t o see i n t h e w o r l d "

May Student of the Month 5t h Gr ad e N i ch o l as C ar u t h er s: Starts every day with a big smile on his face. He is respectful, polite, and a reading wizard during class. With his animated stories and kind demeanor he is a joy to be around.His smile brightens everyone?s day.

D an i k a Fech t n er : Danika is always ready to participate and puts forth 100% effort every day. Academically, she shows grit and determination and pushes herself to do her very best. She shows the 4 B's consistently. We can always count on her to be doing what is expected.

6th Gr ad e El l a L i n d say : has a sweet nature. She is very respectful and a quiet leader among her peers. She can be relied on to make good choices and is kind to others.

Set h W al l ace: Is a respectful kid, caring student and a good friend to his peers. He always gives his all at anything he does. He has great manners and always tries his hardest on his assignments.

7th Gr ad e Gu i l l er m o Fr an co : has been working hard at getting and keeping good grades. He is always polite and respectful to all staff. He has great attendance and great behavior!

C ar l o s Fu er t e: is a pleasure to be around. He is funny and personable and always respectful. Carlos is working hard and has improved in all academic areas! Carlos also played his first school sport this year and had several PR's! We are all very proud of him.

8t h Gr ad e Sav an n ah B i ck l e: is one of the kindest students at the school. She always helps the students around her, no matter what the problem. She works very hard, not only to be successful herself, but so that everyone around her can be successful. Her cheerful confidence and exemplary behavior brightens her teachers days.

I an W al l ace: Is an amazing student. He always uses his manners, and always steps up to help people if they need help. He is kind to everyone and a joy to be around. He is also the greatest sonic artist ever!!

"Se el cam bi o que deseas v er en el m undo"

Estudiante de Mayo del mes 5t o Gr ad o N i ch o l as C ar u t h er s: Comienza todos los días con una gran sonrisa en su rostro. Él es respetuoso, educado y un asistente de lectura durante la clase. Con sus historias animadas y su comportamiento amable, es un placer estar cerca de él. Su sonrisa ilumina el día de todos.

D an i k a Fech t n er : Danika siempre está lista para participar y ofrece el 100% del esfuerzo todos los días. Académicamente, muestra determinación y determinación y se esfuerza por dar lo mejor de sí misma. Ella muestra las 4 B consistentemente. Siempre podemos contar con ella para que esté haciendo lo que se esper a.

6to Gr ad o El l a L i n d say : tiene una naturaleza dulce. Ella es muy respetuosa y una líder tranquila entre sus compañeros. Se puede confiar en ella para tomar buenas decisiones y es amable con los demás.

Set h W al l ace: Es un niño respetuoso, un estudiante atento y un buen amigo de sus compañeros. Él siempre da todo en cualquier cosa que hace. Él tiene buenos modales y siempre hace su mayor esfuerzo en sus tareas.

Sep ti m o Gr ad o Gu i l l er m o Fr an co : como estado trabajando duro para obtener y mantener buenas calificaciones. Él es siempre educado y respetuoso con todo el personal. ¡Él tiene una gran asistencia y un gran comportamiento!

C ar l o s Fu er t e: es un placer estar cerca. Él es divertido y agradable y siempre respetuoso. Carlos está trabajando duro y ha mejorado en todas las áreas académicas. ¡Carlos también jugó su primer deporte escolar este año y tuvo varias relaciones públicas! Todos estamos muy orgullosos de él.

O ct ovo Gr ad o Sav an n ah B i ck l e: es uno de los estudiantes más amables en la escuela. Ella siempre ayuda a los estudiantes a su alrededor, sin importar el problema. Ella trabaja muy duro, no solo para tener éxito ella misma, sino para que todos a su alrededor puedan tener éxito. Su alegre confianza y su comportamiento ejemplar iluminan sus días de maestra.

I an W al l ace: Es un estudiante increíble Siempre usa sus modales y siempre se esfuerza para ayudar a las personas si necesitan ayuda. Él es amable con todos y es un placer estar cerca. ¡Él es también el mejor artista sonoro de todos los tiempos!

"Be t he change y ou w i sh t o see i n t he w or l d"

"Be t he change y ou w i sh t o see i n t he w or l d"

"Be t he change y ou w i sh t o see i n t he w or l d"

"Be t he change y ou w i sh t o see i n t he w or l d"

Summer Birthdays - Happy Birthday!!! Luis Dure-Vasquez, August Heidgerken, Matthew Mize, Brezy Summers, Martin Reed, Mekia Smith, Maeblien Blanchard-Walker, Anel Carrasco-Ramirez, Codi Norton, Payten Richardson, Brock Hampton, Landon Homola, Ryder Reese, Kolby Wilson, Amaya Evans, Austin Pietz, Wyett Atchley, Grayson Jackson, Jose Zavala-Ramirez, Jersey O'Neil, Abigail Haggard-Anderson, Kayla Miller, Elijah Evaristo, Spencer Taylor, Kristi Koistinen, Caden Millerjord, Michael Arroyo, Chad Baker, Ryan Boon, Cody Armstrong, Alexander Bugg, Abigail Schoonover, Jack Tapani, Treyson Thrall, Lily Wear, Makenzi Bunger, Marie Van Cleef, Daniel Zamora, Jeffirey Murdock, Angel Perez-Lopez, Tanner Berding, Beau Swett, Riley Foster, Veronica Machic-Cactzum, Kaeson Mansy, Travis Sarkkinen, Merek Rickard, Drake Sevier, Angelina Smith, Tobias Caruthers, Enrique Garcia-Guerrero, Caden Hatman, Autumn Pietz, Elideth Borja-Delgado, Alannah Erickson, Monica Martinez-Alejo, Grace Shoemaker, Emily Daw, Carlos Fuerte, Jenna Oathes, Travis Bastian, Adam Stover, Johathan Ferguson, Cole Hathaway, Kellen Ek, Daniel Villa-Sanders, Yahir Basilio-Montalvo, Braeden Booth, Abdiel Larios-Rangel, Madison Meeks, Ty Olmsted, Ronald Fors, Lincoln Ponder, Kaydence Ramey, Johnathan Long, Kensli Tone, Natalie Ek, Lane Divine, Ainsleigh Utter, Gabriella Silveria, Ryan Harner, Daisy Yager, David Yager, Mark Morales, Trenton Blatnik, Russell Webb, Yahair Gomez-Hernandez, Angel Richards, Triston Galloway, Jaqulynn Rainey, Alexis Caughell, Tessa Traffie, Emily Button, Joran Lamoreaux, Joanna Quiroz-Lopez, Kyle Manning, Brooke Cantley, Tyson Lindberg, Nevaeh McCash, Mahleywa Parish-Some', Fia Korpela, Lesly Lopez-Contreras, Ashlynn Nichols, Ronen Overton, Emmalee Cook, Matthew Lee, Arne Sarkkinen, Alexis Galindo-Robles, Garrick Calderon-Cruz, Casey Logan, Elizabeth Martinez-Guzman, Braden Davis, Riley Merrill, Danielle Fusaro, Brayden Holven, Mattisin Moss, Amie Scott, Matthew Davis, Crystal McCulley, Michael Parker, Miranda Torres, Evan Hansen & Kamryn Martin.

"Se el cam bi o que deseas v er en el m undo"

Cumpleaños de verano - ¡Feliz cumpleaños! Luis Dure-Vasquez, August Heidgerken, Matthew Mize, Brezy Summers, Martin Reed, Mekia Smith, Maeblien Blanchard-Walker, Anel Carrasco-Ramirez, Codi Norton, Payten Richardson, Brock Hampton, Landon Homola, Ryder Reese, Kolby Wilson, Amaya Evans, Austin Pietz, Wyett Atchley, Grayson Jackson, Jose Zavala-Ramirez, Jersey O'Neil, Abigail Haggard-Anderson, Kayla Miller, Elijah Evaristo, Spencer Taylor, Kristi Koistinen, Caden Millerjord, Michael Arroyo, Chad Baker, Ryan Boon, Cody Armstrong, Alexander Bugg, Abigail Schoonover, Jack Tapani, Treyson Thrall, Lily Wear, Makenzi Bunger, Marie Van Cleef, Daniel Zamora, Jeffirey Murdock, Angel Perez-Lopez, Tanner Berding, Beau Swett, Riley Foster, Veronica Machic-Cactzum, Kaeson Mansy, Travis Sarkkinen, Merek Rickard, Drake Sevier, Angelina Smith, Tobias Caruthers, Enrique Garcia-Guerrero, Caden Hatman, Autumn Pietz, Elideth Borja-Delgado, Alannah Erickson, Monica Martinez-Alejo, Grace Shoemaker, Emily Daw, Carlos Fuerte, Jenna Oathes, Travis Bastian, Adam Stover, Johathan Ferguson, Cole Hathaway, Kellen Ek, Daniel Villa-Sanders, Yahir Basilio-Montalvo, Braeden Booth, Abdiel Larios-Rangel, Madison Meeks, Ty Olmsted, Ronald Fors, Lincoln Ponder, Kaydence Ramey, Johnathan Long, Kensli Tone, Natalie Ek, Lane Divine, Ainsleigh Utter, Gabriella Silveria, Ryan Harner, Daisy Yager, David Yager, Mark Morales, Trenton Blatnik, Russell Webb, Yahair Gomez-Hernandez, Angel Richards, Triston Galloway, Jaqulynn Rainey, Alexis Caughell, Tessa Traffie, Emily Button, Joran Lamoreaux, Joanna Quiroz-Lopez, Kyle Manning, Brooke Cantley, Tyson Lindberg, Nevaeh McCash, Mahleywa Parish-Some', Fia Korpela, Lesly Lopez-Contreras, Ashlynn Nichols, Ronen Overton, Emmalee Cook, Matthew Lee, Arne Sarkkinen, Alexis Galindo-Robles, Garrick Calderon-Cruz, Casey Logan, Elizabeth Martinez-Guzman, Braden Davis, Riley Merrill, Danielle Fusaro, Brayden Holven, Mattisin Moss, Amie Scott, Matthew Davis, Crystal McCulley, Michael Parker, Miranda Torres, Evan Hansen & Kamryn Martin.

"Be t he change y ou w i sh t o see i n t he w or l d"

"Be t he change y ou w i sh t o see i n t he w or l d"

Nondiscrimination Statement: Woodland Public School District does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression, gender identity, disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following employee(s) has been designated to handle questions and complaints of alleged discrimination: -

Vicky Barnes, Title, IX Officer, Civil Right Coordinator, and Affirmative Action Officer, 800 Second St. Woodland, WA 98674, [email protected], (360) 841-2702 Jake Hall, 504 Coordinator, 800 Second St. Woodland, WA 98674, [email protected], (360) 841-2720

You can report discrimination and discriminatory harassment to any school staff member or to the district's Civil Rights Coordinator, listed above. You also have the right to file a complaint. For a copy of your district?s nondiscrimination policy and procedure, contact your school or district office or view it online at www.woodlandschools.org.

"Se el cam bi o que deseas v er en el m undo"

Nondiscrimination Statement: Woodland Public School District does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression, gender identity, disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following employee(s) has been designated to handle questions and complaints of alleged discrimination: -

Vicky Barnes, Title, IX Officer, Civil Right Coordinator, and Affirmative Action Officer, 800 Second St. Woodland, WA 98674, [email protected], (360) 841-2702 Jake Hall, 504 Coordinator, 800 Second St. Woodland, WA 98674, [email protected], (360) 841-2720

You can report discrimination and discriminatory harassment to any school staff member or to the district's Civil Rights Coordinator, listed above. You also have the right to file a complaint. For a copy of your district?s nondiscrimination policy and procedure, contact your school or district office or view it online at www.woodlandschools.org.