Eerdmans Publishing Company, Grand Rapids, Michigan 2013. ISBN 987-08028-6866-4. This course will cover the fundamentals of pastoral care using lectures ...
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2014 WINTER - FLORIDA EXTENSION COURSE OF STUDY EMORY UNIVERSITY COS 314 – PASTORAL CARE AND COUNSELING Instructor: Rev. Carol Sue Hutchinson Date: January 24-25 & February 21-22, 2014 Please staple your completed assignments to a “Florida Extension Course of Study Cover Sheet” and submit these to the instructor as follows: Assignment A is due as you enter class on Friday, January 24th, 2014 REQUIRED TEXTS 1. Clinebell, Howard. Basic Types of Pastoral Care and Counseling, revised ed., 1984. ISBN: 0687024927. 2. Beverly, Urias. The Places You Go: Caring for your congregation Monday through Saturday. Abingdon Press, 2003. ISBN: 0687085540. 3. Gerkin, Charles V.. An Introduction to Pastoral Care, Abingdon Press, 1997. ISBN: 0-687-01674-6. 4. Fearson III, H. Dana. Straining At the Oars – case studies in pastoral leadership. William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, Grand Rapids, Michigan 2013. ISBN 987-08028-6866-4 COURSE OBJECTIVES This course will cover the fundamentals of pastoral care using lectures, discussions, case studies and experience as the basic tools for learning. ASSIGNMENT A: 1. Write two pages on each of the three texts. Clinebell, Beverly, and Gerkins. In each paper, respond to the text in terms of its impact upon you and your pastoral identity. Use the following questions as a GUIDE for your reflection. What is important here is your response. This is NOT a book report, nor are you to just answer the questions below. These are your ideas based on the material in the book. a. What were the most stimulating insights/discoveries/answers/new thoughts/etc. that you came across as you read? b. What questions do you have as a result of your reading, i.e. what are you curious about? What did you find difficult to understand? c. Did the readings touch on any particular area of pastoral care/counseling that this is so? d. What of the book was most helpful? What was least helpful? What other issues would have you liked to cover? What are the areas of pastoral care and counseling on which you need to do more study. 2. Write a one-page summary of your current ministry as it pertains to pastoral care and counseling. Use insights from your reading in your description. ASSIGNMENT B: In no more than five pages, write a paper describing a current or recent pastoral encounter in which you are providing or have provided pastoral care or counseling to a parishioner and/or parishioner family.

Your greatest learning arena will most likely come in an encounter which left you with questions and/or concerns – in which you did not feel particularly “successful.” Describe an encounter in which you find the potential for your greatest learning. Make your description concise. You will be graded on how well you are able to discuss your work, and not on the outcome of the situation. Use concepts and/or ideas from the books you have read. If you use significant concepts, be sure you cite the references. I.

Reflection a. How do you feel about what happened? What pastoral ministry took place? b. What opportunities were missed? c. What theological themes, images, Biblical stories help you to understand what was going on in this relationship? What is your theological understanding of where this parishioner is struggling in his/her life. d. What did you learn from this experience? What issues remain for you?


Case Study: Come prepared to share an experience or incident where Pastoral Care skills could be used. Present only the facts and the class will discuss the techniques and considerations that could be used.

ASSIGNMENT C: 1. Read the text, Straining at the Oars and write two pages on the most helpful concept for your ministry in the text. Class Expectations and Grading It is expected that you will do all the reading and prework before you arrive and that you will attend all class sessions. Grades will be based on the following Precourse assignment: 30% Verbatim: Class Participation:

40% (based on you understanding and discussion of the material) 30%

Guidelines for writing Assignments • ALL PAPERS MUST BE TYPED, double-spaced, on one side of 8 ½ “ by 11” paper. Indent paragraphs five spaces. • All papers must have a Florida Extension COS cover sheet. • Identify each paper by either the title of the book or the concept being presented. • Please number each page. Please also include your last name before each page number. • Footnotes or Endnotes should be provided for references or quoted material. These notes should include, in this order: Author, Title.(City: Publisher, date), page number. • Punctuation should be consistent; clarity of meaning is the primary purpose of punctuation. Grammar and spelling will be taken into account for your grade. I can be reached at [email protected] or 863-533-2301

COVER SHEET – HOJA DE CUBIERTA This cover sheet must be attached to the precourse assignments for each course! ¡Esta hoja de cubierta debe ser fijada a cada tarea del curso! (Staple this sheet and all parts of the assignment together.) Florida Extension Course of Study School Name:


Address: City:



Email: Full Time Local Pastor:

Part Time Local Pastor:


Course Number: __________ Name of Course: Session: ______ Instructor: I have read the plagiarism definition below and verify by signing my name below, that this assignment represents my own work, except where credit is given. I have also made copies of this assignment and I will bring them with me to class in the event that any of my work is misplaced. He leido la definición del plagio y certifico con mi firma que esta tarea representa mi propio trabajo, salvo en los casos en que he reconocido el trabajo ajeno. He hecho copias de mis tareas y las traeré conmigo en caso de que algunas se hayan perdido en tránsito. _________________________________________________________ Student's Signature/Firma de estudiante ____________________________________ Date/Fecha Plagiarism Defined “You plagiarize when, intentionally or not, you use someone’s words or ideas but fail to credit that person. You plagiarize even when you do credit the author but use his exact words without so indicating with quotation marks or block indentation. You also plagiarize when you use words so close to those in your source, that if your work were placed next to the source, it would be obvious that you could not have written what you did without the source at your elbow. When accused of plagiarism, some writers claim I must have somehow memorized the passage. When I wrote it, I certainly thought it was my own. That excuse convinces very few.” Definición del plagio “Se comete plagio, intencionalmente o no, cuando se usan palabras o ideas ajenas sin mencionar el nombre del autor. Aun cuando se mencione el nombre del autor, se comete plagio si se usan palabras exactas sin señalarlas por medio de una cita entre comillas, o la indentición del párrafo citado. También se comite plagio cuando usan palabras tan parecidas al texto original que, al comparar el trabajo escrito es el mismo, resultaría obvio que no podría haber escrito su propio texto sin la ayuda original de la primera fuente. Al ser acusado de plagio, algunas personas afirman lo siguiente: ‘Debí haberme memorizado el pasaje, al redactor el texto, ciertamente pensaba que era de mi propia autoría.’ Esta escusa resulta muy poco convincente.” From page 167 of The Craft of Research by Wayne C. Booth, Gregory G. Colomb, and Joseph M. Williams, published in 1995 by The University of Chicago Press in Chicago.