Instructor: Dr. Harold Henderson. May 23-24, 2014 and June 27-28, 2014. Date: Class Times: Friday: Registration 5:00-6:00 pm; Worship 6:00-7:00pm; Classes ...
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FIFTH YEAR SUMMER 2014 COURSE OF STUDY - Florida Extension School COS 512 – CONTEMPORARY THEOLOGY Instructor: Dr. Harold Henderson Date: May 23-24, 2014 and June 27-28, 2014 Class Times: Friday: Registration 5:00-6:00 pm; Worship 6:00-7:00pm; Classes 7:00-9:00pm Saturday: 8:00-5:00pm Texts: Daniel Migliore, Faith Seeking Understanding, Second Edition (Grand Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdmans, 2004) ISBN 978-0-8028-2787-6. Donald W. Musser & Joseph L. Price, Eds, A New Handbook of Christian Theologians, (Nashville, TN: Abingdon Press, 1996) ISBN 0-687-27803-1. Pre-coursework Assignments: 1. Describe three methods of asking theological questions. 2. What is meant by a) objective revelation, b) subjective revelation, c) general revelation, d) special revelation. 3. Describe four principles for the interpretation of Scripture and explain why each principle is important 4. Identify and describe in your own words five charges against traditional doctrines of God. Each of the above should be answered in two-three pages (double spaced) with particular reference to Migliore Chapters 1-4. 5. Prepare a 10-15 minute lecture to be delivered to the class on any one of the following: “The Good Creation” (chapter 5), “The Providence of God and the Mystery of Evil” (chapter 6), “Humanity as Creature, Sinner, and New Being in Christ” (chapter 7), “The Person and Work of Jesus Christ” (chapter 8), identifying in particular any ideas that are new, helpful and/or challenging for you. 6. Using the Musser & Price text, write a 2-3 page paper on each of any two of the following contemporary theologians, indicating particularly how his/her theology impacts your thinking and ministry: Karl Barth (p.49), James Hal Cone (p.118), Carl F.H.Henry (p.214), Jon Sobrino (p.427), Womanist Theologians (p.513). Be prepared to deliver and speak to the paper in class. Note: All assignments are due at the first session on May’s first day of class, Friday night and must be submitted with an official “Cover Sheet.” I can no longer accept late assignments.

COVER SHEET – HOJA DE CUBIERTA This cover sheet must be attached to the precourse assignments for each course! ¡Esta hoja de cubierta debe ser fijada a cada tarea del curso! (Staple this sheet and all parts of the assignment together.)

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I have read the plagiarism definition below and verify by signing my name below, that this assignment represents my own work, except where credit is given. I have also made copies of this assignment and I will bring them with me to class in the event that any of my work is misplaced. He leido la definición del plagio y certifico con mi firma que esta tarea representa mi propio trabajo, salvo en los casos en que he reconocido el trabajo ajeno. He hecho copias de mis tareas y las traeré conmigo en caso de que algunas se hayan perdido en tránsito. _________________________________________________________ Student's Signature/Firma de estudiante ____________________________________ Date/Fecha

Plagiarism Defined “You plagiarize when, intentionally or not, you use someone’s words or ideas but fail to credit that person. You plagiarize even when you do credit the author but use his exact words without so indicating with quotation marks or block indentation. You also plagiarize when you use words so close to those in your source, that if your work were placed next to the source, it would be obvious that you could not have written what you did without the source at your elbow. When accused of plagiarism, some writers claim I must have somehow memorized the passage. When I wrote it, I certainly thought it was my own. That excuse convinces very few.” Definición del plagio “Se comete plagio, intencionalmente o no, cuando se usan palabras o ideas ajenas sin mencionar el nombre del autor. Aun cuando se mencione el nombre del autor, se comete plagio si se usan palabras exactas sin señalarlas por medio de una cita entre comillas, o la indentición del párrafo citado. También se comite plagio cuando usan palabras tan parecidas al texto original que, al comparar el trabajo escrito es el mismo, resultaría obvio que no podría haber escrito su propio texto sin la ayuda original de la primera fuente. Al ser acusado de plagio, algunas personas afirman lo siguiente: ‘Debí haberme memorizado el pasaje, al redactor el texto, ciertamente pensaba que era de mi propia autoría.’ Esta escusa resulta muy poco convincente.” From page 167 of The Craft of Research by Wayne C. Booth, Gregory G. Colomb, and Joseph M. Williams, published in 1995 by The University of Chicago Press in Chicago.