Everest Attempt. The members of our expedition were Mari Abrego ...

Teodoro Palacín, Patxi Senosiaín, José Garcés, Iñaki Arregui, José Marciano,. Jesús Gómez, Julio Benedé, Orenzo Ortas, José Rebollo and I as leader. Base.
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Everest A ttem pt. The m em bers o f our expedition were M ari A brego, V íctor A rnal, Josem a Casim iro, A ntonio U bieto, M iguel L ausín, Ignacio Cinto, Teodoro Palacín, Patxi Senosiaín, José G arcé s, Iñaki A rregui, José M arciano, Jesús G ó mez, Julio B enedé , O renzo O rtas, José Rebollo and I as leader. Base C am p was placed at 5200 m eters on June 15. Taking advantage o f good w eather, we placed A dvance Base at the foot o f the N orth Col at 6400 m eters on June 23, fixed ropes, and placed Cam p I on the N orth Col at 7060 m eters on July 4. A fter a dum p was m ade the next day at 7500 m eters, bad w eather and snow fall interrupted activity until July 20. This dum p was lost under deep snow. C am p II was established at 7800 meters on July 25. A first try for the sum m it got back only to Cam p II before being stopped by bad w eather. M ore storm s prevented establishing C am p III at 8350 m eters until A ugust 25. On A ugust 27, four clim bers and a Sherpa set out for another sum m it attem pt but had to quit at 8530 m eters because o f deep snow. A final try by two m em bers on Septem ber 3 reached the sam e altitude, but the conditions w ere equally bad. J a v ie r E

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M ontañeros de A ragón, Spain