A Roman Catholic Stewardship Church

mariana de Adviento, ha crecido y se ha engalanado con varias piezas de ... representando sus muchas advocaciones. Estas piezas son de las colecciones ...
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Our Mission With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we, the Roman Catholic Community of Santiago de Compostela, aspire to proclaim in word and action the living Gospel of Jesus Christ.

A Roman Catholic Stewardship Church “Call no one your father on earth; you have but one Father, the one in heaven.” -Matthew 23: 1-12

MASS SCHEDULE: Saturday Vigil



7am, 8:30am, 10:15am, 12pm, 1:45pm, 6pm (Español)


Daily (Mon-Sat)

8am (Rosary following Mass)

Fr. Gregory Dick, O. Praem

First Friday



National Holidays


Fr. Thomas Paul K. Naval PASTOR

Fr. Stephen Lesniewski

Fr. Joseph Young



Dan Diesel DEACON





Humberto Ramirez



First Friday



Saturday 8am





Holy Day

8am, 6pm, 7:30pm (Español)


8:30am-1pm, 2pm-8:30pm


9am-12pm, 1pm-5:30pm







Finance & Business Mgr


Hispanic Ministries




Music Ministry




Religious Education


Youth Ministry


21682 LAKE FOREST, LAKE FOREST, CA 92630 • OFFICE: 949-951-8599 • FAX: 949-951-2687 SDCCATHOLIC.ORG

Thirty-First Sunday in ordinary time

November 5, 2017

Sunday/Domingo, November 5 6:30am 8:00am 9:00am 2:00pm 4:00pm 4:00pm

Welcome Table (Plaza) RCIA (Rooms B-C and Santiago Room) Library Open Youth Ministry—FNL (Rooms B-C) Jr. High Religious Ed. (Kitchen and Library) Confirmation Leader Meeting (Rooms B-C)

Monday/Lunes, November 6 8:00am 9:00am 4:00pm 6:00pm 6:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm

Daily Mass (Church) Library Open Religious Education (Rooms A-K) Spiritual Exercise of St. Ignatius (Santiago Room)

St. Vincent de Paul (Activities Office) Santo Rosario (Chapel) CLC-St. Ignatius Group (Library)

Tuesday/Martes, November 7 8:00am 1:30pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm

Daily Mass (Church) Homeschool Music Class (Rooms A-C) Cub Scouts (Room A) Cristo Rey (Library) Coro (Church) Confirmation (Rooms B-G) Spiritual Exercise of St. Ignatius (Chapel)

Wednesday/Miércoles, November 8 8:00am 8:30am 6:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm

Daily Mass (Church) Bible Study (Rooms E-H, Kitchen, and Santiago) Children’s Choir (Church) Ensemble Music Ministry (Church) Our Lady Queen of Peace Rosary (Chapel) Bible Study (Rooms E-H, Kitchen, and Library) Landings (Room D) BSA Troop 604 (Rooms A and K)

Thursday/Jueves, November 9 8:00am 6:00pm 6:45pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:30pm

Daily Mass (Church) Novena de 30 Dias (Church) Clase de Biblia (Rooms D-I) Adult RCIA-English (Santiago Room) Chorale Music Ministry (Church) Santiago Minstrels (Room A)

Friday/Viernes, November 10 7:00am 8:00am 9:30am 12:00pm 4:00pm 5:00pm 5:00pm 6:45pm

Christian Men in Commerce (Room A) Daily Mass (Church) Al-anon (Room J) Marriage Validation—Nangauta (Church) Confessions (Church) Grupo de Crochet (Library) Ask a Nurse—free service (Santiago Room) Clases Prebautismales (Lecture Hall and Room A)

Saturday/Sabado, November 11 7:00am 7:00am 8:00am 8:00am 12:00pm 3:00pm 3:30pm 4:30pm

Catholic Men’s Fellowship (Rooms E-H and Santiago) Recycling in Lower (Lower Parking) Daily Mass (Church) Burrito Ministry (Kitchen) Bautizos (Church) Kyrie Music Ministry (Room A) Confessions (Church) Welcome Table (Plaza)

Schedule Subject to Change

Prayers for the Sick Ofelia Alvizo, Burgos Family, Matthew Burgos, Mayela Carbajal, Mr. Caschetta, David Castillo, Brenda Castrellon, Castro Family, Cherie Deeble, Duran Family, Helen Farrell, Patrick Farrell, Susan MAY 21, 2017 Fiedler, Marta and Mike Fowler, Josephine Garcia, Michael S. Garcia, Robert Garcia, Bill Goebel, Kathy Goebel, Bea Gougeon, Rev. Dave Gruver, John Gutierrez, Mary Jane Haas, Andy Heidesch, Mark Hume, Dona Krohn, Frank LeFranco, Takoa Last, Orlando Lossi, Guadalupe Meza, Jesus Meza, Karim Moftakhar, Mary Odierna, Clara Overveck, Lumi Palacio, Erika Pena, Luis Manuel Pulido, Cyrus Rhee, Adeline Rothchild, Rachel Ruelas, Rose Ruiz, Ilda Sánchez, Doris Sinclair, Irene Sullivan, Jose Vargas. Please note: In order to keep the list current, names will remain on the list for six weeks. Please resubmit after that time by contacting: [email protected].

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Saturday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday

(8am) (8am) (8am) (8am) (8am) (8am) (5pm) (7am) (8:30am) (10:15am) (12pm) (1:45pm) (6pm)

All Souls † All Souls † All Souls † All Souls † Tesoro Protomartir Terry and Bea Sullivan † Delia Rodriguez Jerica Enriquez † William Burgos Sister Mary Michaela Op Terry and Bea Sullivan † Castro Family Soledad and Alberto Fernandez †

Readings for the Week Monday:

Rom 11:29-36; Ps 69:30-31, 33-34, 36; Lk 14:12-14 Tuesday: Rom 12:5-16b; Ps 131:1bcde-3; Lk 14:15-24 Wednesday: Rom 13:8-10; Ps 112:1b-2, 4-5, 9; Lk 14:25-33 Thursday: Ez 47:1-2, 8-9, 12; Ps 46:2-3, 5-6, 8-9; 1 Cor 3:9c-11, 16-17; Jn 2:13-22 Friday: Rom 15:14-21; Ps 98:1-4; Lk 16:1-8 Saturday: Rom 16:3-9, 16, 22-27; Ps 145:2-5, 10-11; Lk 16:9-15 Sunday: Wis 6:12-16; Ps 63:2-8; 1 Thes 4:13-18 [13-14]; Mt 25:1-13

Victor Mercado Camo, entered into Eternal Life on October 28, 2017. His Funeral Mass was held on Saturday, November 4, 2017. Picture 0n Front Cover Picture (T to B): 1.-3. El Señor de los Milagros procession. Pictures submitted by Lyanamar Medina. 4. Mass of Remembrance artwork.

Thirty-First Sunday in ordinary time

November 5, 2017

For these gifts we are grateful: Sunday Offertory (10/29/17) Sunday Offertory:

$ 16,659.54

Average Weekly Parish Pay:


Total Budgeted Sunday Offertory:

$ 22,350.00


$ 22,023.58 $


Building Fund:




$ 5,530.00

WE HAVE MADE THE SWITCH Welcome to the WeShare family! Following this week’s transition, here are several things to keep in mind as you familiarize yourself with WeShare. We take the security of your website seriously. We take the security of the website seriously. Donors’ recurring donations will continue as scheduled. But donors must authenticate their account and email to receive WeShare emails to make any changes to their account or receive WeShare emails. The first time donors enter the system-they will have to go through a onetime validation requiring:

Their ParishPay user name The last 4 digits of the bank account or credit card used with ParishPay And ONE of the following two options:

• •

Their email address

A collection name and the specific amount donated within the last 6 months For assistance, email [email protected] or call (800) 950-9953 and select Option 1.

NATIONAL NEEDS SPECIAL COLLECTION November 4th and November 5th This weekend, we will be having a special collection for all national needs. This combines the collections for Catholic Campaign for Human Development, the Catholic Communication Campaign, and the Catholic University of America. Please use the envelopes found in the pews to place your donation. We appreciate your contributions and generosity.

ALL SOULS DAY ENVELOPES The month of November is the Month of All Souls. If you wish to remember your faithfully departed at Daily Mass, use the envelope in the pews for this purpose as a gift to honor those who have enriched our lives. We ask you to PRINT the name of your loved ones on the envelope and include your generous donation. You may either place it in the offertory basket or drop off in the Parish Office.

SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA PATIO UPDATES Great news! On November 8th, all bids are due and by November 13th it will finalize the last steps to select a contractor. Our ground breaking ceremony will be on Sunday, November 19th at 4:30pm. God willing, if everything goes well, the construction will start by the end of November. We appreciate all generous donations for the building fund. Please keep praying for MAY 21, 2017 this project as we finalize the construction process.

PRAYER CANDLES Each day, visitors stop in to Santiago de Compostela to light a candle as an act of prayer. Lighting candles has long been a sacred ritual in all traditions, creating precious moments in our lives in which we pray for loved ones, friends, and ask for or give support. If you wish to light a candle (lasts up to 12 hours) in memory of a loved one, to honor a special occasion, or a special intention the suggested donation of candle is $3.00 which can be placed in the designated container by the altar.

REMINDER: Second Collection Procedures Our Sunday Liturgies are central to our life as a Parish Family. Having said so, we try our very best to make the Eucharist flow and have the least distractions as possible. This has always been the direction the Roman Rubrics remind us to implement. I have presided the Liturgy over the last three years here at our parish. During my time here, I have observed the second collection causes distraction by having the baskets being passed around during the Liturgy of the Eucharist especially at the Consecration. This situation prevents both the Presider and the congregation from focusing fully on the mystery unfolding in our presence. Having the basket passed around defeats the purpose behind second collection an encouragement into being more engaged in our solidarity with the beneficiaries in need of our support. It becomes an afterthought instead of a purposeful giving. In an effort to address this liturgical concern and to promote intentional charity, we shall be having a new procedure for the Second Collection which has been approved by the Finance Council and agreed upon in the meeting of the Hospitality Ministers. The procedure is; the basket will only be passed once for both Sunday Offertory and Second Collection donation to be placed. All checks need the beneficiary written on the memo portion. Our diligent money counters will make sure that they are separated and submitted to the Diocese for remittance to the beneficiary. I thank you for being understanding and for your cooperation regarding the enhancement of our Sunday Masses and Liturgies. God bless and take care.

Fr. Thomas

BULLETIN SUBMISSION DUE DATES: November 26th Edition: Submission DUE on November 13th. Stay tuned for NEW bulletin changes in the next few weeks!

Thirty-First Sunday in ordinary time

November 5, 2017


parish family strive to walk this path to eternal life. We remember that we all together make the effort to support, assist, uplift and encourage one another. God bless and take care.

November 5, 2017

Love and prayers,

Mi Querida Familia Parroquial,

nuestras relaciones no se deshacen con la muerte, sino que se fortalecen debido a que lo que nos une ya no es meramente físico, sino espiritual y amor. Todavía amamos a aquellos que ya no están con nosotros, de ahí la referencia siempre, a "nuestro querido difunto". Ellos viven en nuestros corazones, mentes y recuerdos apreciados. Viven cada MAY vez que somos 21, 2017 influenciados, fortalecidos, inspirados o motivados para hacer algo en su nombre o memoria. Sin embargo, también existe otra relevancia para la Misa del Recuerdo y es para recordarnos que estamos en un viaje hacia la vida eterna. Nos presenta la cruda realidad de que no viviremos para siempre. También enfrentaremos la muerte, el portal a la vida eterna. El viaje de la vida aquí no es más que una preparación para recibir la promesa de felicidad infinita y amor divino en nuestro verdadero hogar en el cielo. Esto es algo que no debemos perder de vista a pesar de las atracciones y el brillo que presenta el mundo. Para luchar por los más altos ideales y valores de la fe viva, la esperanza firme y el amor compartido deben ser lo más importante en nuestras mentes, como nos lo recuerda San Pablo en sus Cartas a varias comunidades cristianas primitivas. Es difícil, pero no estamos solos en nuestros esfuerzos: juntos, como familia de la parroquia, nos esforzamos por recorrer este camino hacia la vida eterna. Recordamos que todos juntos hacemos el esfuerzo de apoyar, ayudar, elevar y alentarnos unos a otros. Dios lo bendiga y cuide.

Dios esté con nosotros siempre.

Amor y oraciones,

My Dearest Parish Family, God be with us always. “You remembered . . . you did not forget . . . you are so thoughtful. . .” These are phrases we would like to hear people say to us or about us. It is a reflection of one’s attitude and behavior to make an effort to value each person we meet and to keep in mind significant events. In life, one of the things feared most is to be forgotten. One is marked by experiences of being left behind, taken for granted and even simply ignored. This weekend, we celebrate the Mass of Remembrance because we would like to reinforce what our faith tells us. Through the gift of life eternal, we believe that our relationships do not unravel with death but rather are strengthened by it because what binds us is no longer merely physical but spiritual and love. We still love those who are no longer with us, hence the reference always, to “our dearly departed.” They live in our hearts, minds and memories cherished. They come alive every time we are influenced, strengthened, inspired or motivated to do something in their name or memory. However, there is also the other relevance to the Mass of Remembrance and that is to remind us that we are in a journey towards eternal life. It presents to us the stark reality that we will not live forever. We will also face death – the portal to eternal life. The journey of life here is merely a preparation to receive the promise of infinite bliss and divine love in our true home in heaven. This is something we should not lose sight of despite the attractions and glitter that the world presents. To strive for the highest ideals and values of living faith, firm hope and shared love should be foremost in our minds as St. Paul reminds us in his Letters to several early Christian Communities. It is hard but we are not alone in our efforts – we together as a

Fr. Thomas

JMJ 5 de noviembre de 2017

"Lo recordaste . . . no lo olvidaste . . eres tan considerado. . . "Estas son frases que nos gustaría escuchar que la gente nos diga o mencione cuando hablan sobre Fr. Thomas nosotros. Es un reflejo de la actitud y el comportamiento nuestro de esforzarse por valorar a cada persona que conocemos y tener en cuenta los eventos significativos. En la vida, una de las cosas más temidas es que se nos olvide. Uno está marcado por las experiencias de ser dejado atrás, dado por sentado e incluso simplemente ignorado. Este fin de semana, celebramos la Misa del Recuerdo porque queremos reforzar lo que nuestra fe nos dice. A través del regalo de la vida eterna, creemos que

Thirty-First Sunday in ordinary time


FAMILY MASS Second Weekend of the Month November 11th at 5:00pm or November 12th at 10:15am RELIGIOUS EDUCATION IMPORTANT DATES 1ST—8TH grades: We still need a few teacher aides to help out in class Mondays at 4:00pm and Mondays at 6:30pm. Please call Gloria Fetta asap, if you wish to help our youngsters learn more about our great God. RE Classes: • November 6th, November 13th • NO CLASSES: Week of November 20th Happy Thanksgiving! JR HI Ministry (7th/8th) Classes: • November 5th and December 10th. Please join us for FAMILY MASS on November 11th at 5pm or November 12th at 10:15am. We love to see you there!

CONFIRMATION NEWS Next CI class #5: November 7 th from 7:00pm-8:30pm Next CII class #5: November 14 th from 7:00pm-8:30pm Next Friday Night Live/Youth Group meeting is : November 5th from 2:00pm-4:00pm in the parish hall, Rooms B and C. Please come and check this club out! Next Class Planning Meeting is: November 5th from 4:00pm-6:00pm in Rooms B and C in hall for Class #5 (Leaders for CI from 4:00pm-5:00pm and Leaders for CII from 5:00pm6:00pm.) Leader Retreat Planning Meetings for January Retreat are: —November 12th: 2:00pm-4:00pm —December 3rd: 4:00pm-6:00pm —December 10th:4:00pm-6:00pm

BIBLE STUDY In Acts 6:1-7, Luke tells us about a crisis and a solution in the early Christian community. “At that time, as the number of disciples continued to grow, the Hellenists (Greek speaking communities) complained against the Hebrews (Aramaic speaking Jews) because their widows were being neglected in the daily distribution.” A decision was made by the 12 and other disciples of the community to increase the “staff” to take care of the problem thus allowing the Apostles to continue with the spreading of the Good News of Jesus the Christ and increasing the number of new church members. Meetings: Wednesdays from 9:00am-11:15am or 7:00pm-9:00pm in Santiago Parish Center. For further information contact Nancy 949-766-8126 or Barb 949-768-1170.

MAY 21, 2017 In mid-August 2017, Peter Hlavin was sent forth in pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela in Spain. He would not have been able to complete this pilgrimage without our prayers. He brings back great memories and pieces of this journey with him. You will find a display in the vestibule with; the map of the way, the five different paths to Santiago, passport with all stamps, and “Compostela—certificate of completion.

St. Junipero Serra Catholic School—Meet and Greet Tuesday, November 14, 2017 and Tuesday, January 9, 2018 The 2018-19 application process starts off with our first Meet and Greet of the year on Tuesday, November 14, 2017, from 6:30pm - 7:30pm. If you are unable to attend the Meet and Greet in November, there will be an additional Meet and Greet on Tuesday, January 9, 2018, from 6:30pm-7:30pm. These events give potential families an opportunity to view a classroom, speak with a teacher or administrator, and find out about our online application process. Events will be held at St. Junipero Serra Catholic School located at 23652 Antonio Parkway in Rancho Santa Margarita. Children are welcome and strongly encouraged to attend.

Thirty-First Sunday in ordinary time

You and your family are invited to join us for our annual

November 23th, 2017 at 8:00am BECAUSE GRANDPARENTS HOLD A SPECIAL PLACE IN ALL OF OUR HEARTS. Join with us as we celebrate and honor our families and those who nurtured us along the journey. This would be a wonderful opportunity to give honor to our grandparents, both living and deceased. This Thanksgiving day we will have a special blessing. You are invited to bring items from your dinner table for a blessing, wine, Mom’s special dish, potatoes or the entire turkey. ALL ARE WELCOME We invite everyone to bring non-perishable food items. We’ll be inviting you all to place your offerings in front of the altar at the offertory. Your food donation will help a needy family through the local Food Pantry, God’s Abundant Blessings to you and your families.

Mass with Anointing of the Sick Mass with Anointing of the Sick will be celebrated on the second Saturday (November 11th) of every month during the 8am Mass. Come and experience the power of faith and the healing presence of God.

Marian Exhibit

November 5, 2017 RECYCLING WE NEED YOUR RECYCLABLES. The Knights need your help in collecting recyclables. Your recyclables are a gift to those in need. The “Lord” asks that we reach out to others and this can be your way to do so. We look forward to seeing all of you Saturday November 11th, 2017. Items to drop off: • Aluminum cans • Bi-Metal cans MAY 21, 2017 • All types of paper • Books, Magazines • Glass jars & bottles • Plastics (Water bottles, Milk bottles, etc.) Please rinse out all containers If you have questions bring it and we will let you know. We will be in the lower parking lot from 7:00am to 12:00pm rain or shine. You can also drop off any recyclables during the week in the drop off area. Just open the gate and leave them in the designated area at the end of the trailer. Look for the recycling sign.

THANKSGIVING DINNER The Knights will be having a parish thanksgiving dinner in the hall November 18, 2017 after 5:00pm Mass. All are welcome and the event is strictly a donation of kind. We will have a full Thanksgiving dinner of turkey, mash potatoes, stuffing, cranberry sauce, glazed carrots, salad and drinks. All food is homemade. This is a time of the year when we should be thank full for all that we have as a community. Hope to see you there!

South County Outreach Food Drive November 11th and 12th Our monthly food drive to assist South County Outreach is held the second weekend of each month. If you are unable to bring your donation this weekend, remember there are baskets in the parish hall that you can put your donations into during the week.

December 8th thru 19th Since December of 2014, our Advent Marian Exhibit has grown with various statues and works of art of Our Blessed Mother, in all of her representations, from the private collections of many Santiago parishioners, but there is always room for more! This year we will have our exhibit in the Lecture Hall. If you would like to share your own personal images or statues of Mother Mary, we would be thrilled to add them to our display. To make arrangements, contact Lyanamar Medina at [email protected] or at Ext. 239. FACILITY SCHEDULING Attention all ministry leaders: In an effort to avoid any scheduling issues or conflicts, all requests for scheduling the church, parish hall, or any other of our facilities needs to be submitted through [email protected].

Pageant of the Nativity—Friday, December 1st The 3rd Annual Noel Night kicks off Advent with our best program yet. This year we tell the story of the Nativity by featuring the main characters in song. If you would like to join the Noel Night production team, please contact Bill Stegall ([email protected]).

IMPORTANT: If you have checked out books of Media from Library—Please return them when due. (Especially Fr. David Homilies). Use slot in door if no one is in library. Be sure a library worker is present when you need to CHECK OUT books. If not, call Pearl (949) 770-4939. Hours: Sunday 9:30am-12:15pm and Monday 10:00am-12:30pm

Thirty-First Sunday in ordinary time COLECTA ESPECIAL PARA LAS NECESIDADES NACIONALES 5 de Noviembre El próximo fin de semana tendremos una colecta especial para todas las necesidades nacionales. Esto combina las colectas para la Campaña Católica para el Desarrollo Humano, la Campaña de Comunicación Católica y la Universidad Católica de América. Utilice los sobres que se encuentran en las bancas para hacer su donación. Agradecemos sus contribuciones y generosidad.

SOBRES PARA EL DIA DE LOS DIFUNTOS El mes de noviembre es el Mes de Todas las Almas. Si desea recordar a su fiel difunto en la misa diaria, use el sobre en las bancas como un regalo para honrar a los que han enriquecido nuestras vidas. Le pedimos que ESCRIBA el (los) nombre(s) de sus seres queridos en el sobre e incluya su generosa donación . Puede colocarlos en la canasta de ofrendas o llevarlo a la Oficina Parroquial.

Velas de Oración Cada día, los visitantes se detienen en Santiago de Compostela para encender una vela como un acto de oración. La iluminación de las velas ha sido durante mucho tiempo un ritual sagrado en todas las tradiciones, creando momentos preciosos en nuestras vidas en los que oramos por nuestros seres queridos, amigos y pedimos por ellos o damos nuestro apoyo. Si desea encender una vela (dura hasta 12 horas) en memoria de un ser querido, para honrar una ocasión especial o una intención especial, la donación sugerida de la vela es de $3.00, que puede ser colocada en el contenedor designado junto al altar.

ACTUALIZACIONES DEL PATIO PARROQUIAL ¡Una gran noticia! Nuestros planes de construcción del patio están avanzando. El 8 de noviembre, todas las ofertas vencen y el 13 de noviembre finalizará los últimos pasos para seleccionar un contratista. Nuestra ceremonia de inauguración será el domingo, 19 de noviembre a las 4:30pm. Si Dios quiere, si todo va bien, la construcción comenzará a fines de noviembre. Agradecemos todas las generosas donaciones para el fondo de construcción. Por favor sigan orando por este proyecto mientras finalizamos el proceso deconstrucción.

Misa de Sanación La Misa de Sanación se celebrará el segundo sábado (11 de Noviembre) de cada mes durante la Misa de las 8 am. Venga y experimente el poder de la fe y la presencia sanadora de Dios.

MISA DE FAMILIAS Segundo Fin de Semana del Mes 12 de Noviembre a la 1:45pm

November 5, 2017 Actividades de la Catequesis en Español • •

Próximas sesiones de catequesis: ♥ 17 de noviembre, 6 pm Misa para las familias: ♥ 12 de noviembre, 1:45 pm

Clase de Biblia en Español: El Santo Rosario Te invitamos a que participes de la Clase de Biblia en español, una MAY 21, 2017 interesante forma de aprender y crecer en nuestra Fe, ofrecida aquí en nuestra parroquia de manera gratuita. El próximo jueves 9 de noviembre, comenzando a las 6:45 pm, estaremos hablando sobre nuestra Santísima Madre María, madre de Jesús y madre nuestra.

• •

¿Qué es el dogma de la Inmaculada concepción?

¿Cómo entendemos la asunción de María al cielo? Conoce más sobre las apariciones en Lourdes, Fátima, Guadalupe y otras. Las clases son en el Salón Parroquial.

Usted y su familia están invitados a nuestra:

Misa de Acción de Gracias 23 de Noviembre a las 8:00am PORQUE LOS ABUELOS TIENEN UN LUGAR ESPECIAL EN TODOS NUESTROS CORAZONES. Únase a nosotros mientras celebramos y honramos a nuestras familias y a quienes nos nutrieron durante el viaje. Esta seria una oportunidad maravillosa para honrar a nuestros abuelos, tanto vivos como fallecidos. Este día de Acción de Gracias tendremos una bendición especial. Esta invitado a traer artículos de su mesa para una bendición, vino, plato especial de mama, papas o todo el pavo. TODOS SON BIENVENIDOS Invitamos a todos a traer alimentos no perecederos. Les invitaremos a todos a colocar sus ofrendas frente al altar en el ofertorio. Su donación de alimentos ayudara a una familia necesitada a través de la despensa de alimentos local, las bendiciones abundantes de Dios para usted y sus familias. Viernes 1 de diciembre 7pm en la iglesia La “Noel Night” está de regreso este año. Ven y disfruta de una noche de Navidad con música variada interpretada por todos los coros parroquiales, nuestros sacerdotes y la actuación especial de algunos de nuestros feligreses. ¡Te esperamos!

FECHAS LIMITES PARA BOLETINES DE NOVIEMBRE: Edición del 26 de Noviembre: Fecha limite 13 de noviembre. Estén atentos para NUEVOS cambios de boletín en las próximas semanas!

Thirty-First Sunday in ordinary time

November 5, 2017

RECORDATORIO: PROCEDIMIENTO DE COLECTA ESPECIAL Nuestras liturgias dominicales son fundamentales para nuestra vida como Familia Parroquial. Habiendo dicho esto, hacemos todo lo posible por hacer fluir la Eucaristía y tener la menor distracción posible. Esta ha sido siempre la dirección que las Rúbricas Romanas nos recuerdan implementar. He presidido la Liturgia durante los últimos tres años aquí en nuestra parroquia. Durante mi estancia aquí, he observado que la segunda colecta causa distracción al hacer pasar las canastas durante la “Liturgia de la Eucaristía”, especialmente durante la Consagración. Esta situación impide que tanto el Oficiante como la congregación se enfoquen plenamente en el Misterio que se desarrolla en nuestra presencia. El pasar la canasta desvía el propósito detrás de la segunda colecta , el cual es un estímulo para estar más comprometido en nuestra solidaridad con los beneficiarios que necesitan nuestro apoyo. Se convierte en una reflexión tardía en lugar de un don deliberado. En un esfuerzo por dirigir esta preocupación litúrgica y promover la caridad intencional, tendremos un nuevo procedimiento para la Segunda Colecta que ha sido aprobado por el Consejo de Finanzas y acordado en la reunión de los Ministros de Hospitalidad. El procedimiento es; la canasta sólo pasará una vez para colocar el donativo del domingo y la donación de la segunda colecta. Todos los cheques necesitan que el beneficiario esté escrito en la porción del memorándum. Nuestros diligentes contadores de dinero se asegurarán de que estén separados y sometidos a la Diócesis para su remesa al beneficiario. Les agradezco su comprensión y su cooperación con respecto a la mejoría de nuestras Misas y Liturgias dominicales. Dios los bendiga y cuide.

MAY 21, 2017

PROCESIÓN Y MISA EN HONOR A NUESTRA SEÑORA DE GUADALUPE Por primera vez en nuestra Parroquia recibiremos las imágenes peregrinas de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe y de San Juan Diego que nos visitan desde la Arquidiócesis de Los Ángeles. Acompáñanos a celebrar la bendición de su presencia en nuestra comunidad parroquial.

Fr. Thomas

¿TE HAS PUESTO A PENSAR? Hace unos meses me encontré con un joven que asiste a una iglesia cristiana en Lake Forest. Durante la conversación le pregunté, por qué le gustaba ir a esa iglesia y me contestó que le gustaba esa iglesia porque podía ir vestido casualmente: “así como ando vestido me contestó, con shorts, camiseta y chanclas”. Le contesté: bueno… para nosotros los católicos es diferente. Para nosotros, asistir a Misa es como ir a una fiesta, es como ir a un banquete. Y para ir a un banquete se tiene que vestir de la forma apropiada. Le seguí diciendo, si te invitaran a la Casa Blanca a cenar con el presidente de los Estados Unidos, estoy seguro que te irías vestido de diferente manera. ¡Claro que si!, me contestó. O si fueras a la corte a ver a un Juez, no podría ir con shorts y chanclas, el guardia que está allí, no te dejaría entrar. Tampoco irías a la playa en traje de gala. Para no alargarle mucho lo que quería decirle, concluí así: en este banquete, la Misa, tenemos un encuentro con el Rey de Reyes y Señor de Señores. Luego de un rato me dijo: “ME HAS PUESTO A PENSAR, tienes razón, nunca lo había visto de esta manera”. Padres de familia, espero que cuando lean ésto, también se PONGAN A PENSAR. Les pido que cuiden que ustedes y sus hijos vengan vestidos de una manera apropiada a la Santa Misa. Mi invitación es a que ¡Vengan al Banquete de Cristo, con lo mejor que tengan! ¡Dios te bendiga! Diácono Humberto Ramirez

Las imágenes permanecerán en la iglesia para oración y veneración

Exhibición Mariana Diciembre 8 al 19, 2017 Desde diciembre del 2014, nuestra exhibición mariana de Adviento, ha crecido y se ha engalanado con varias piezas de arte e imágenes de nuestra Santísima Madre, representando sus muchas advocaciones. Estas piezas son de las colecciones privadas de feligreses de Santiago. Este año la exposición será en el salón A del Parish Hall. Te invitamos a que si tienes alguna imagen, cuadro o estatua de la Virgen María y quieres compartirla con la comunidad la traigas para que sea parte de nuestra exhibición. Para más información, contacta a Lyanamar Medina al e-mail [email protected] o llamando al (949) 9518599 ext. 239.