1 innotalk law modificaciones - UV

13 jun. 2017 - Clinical legal education in the US and Spain: the value of service learning. Fulbright Specialist. Dr. David Tushaus, Professor,. Legal Studies. Missouri. Western State University,. U.S.A.. Invited discussant: Prof. Ruth M. Mestre i Mestre. Prof. Philosophy of Law. Institute of Human Rights. UV. Edificio Beatriu ...
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Innotalk-Law Network Clinical legal education in the US and Spain: the value of service learning. June, 13th 2017 at 10:15 a.m. Coffee break

Fulbright Specialist Dr. David Tushaus, Professor, Legal Studies. Missouri Western State University, U.S.A.

Invited discussant: Prof. Ruth M. Mestre i Mestre. Prof. Philosophy of Law. Institute of Human Rights. UV. Presentation by Prof. Dr. Elena Górriz Royo Professor of Criminal law. School of Law. Universitat de València

T h e I n n o v a t i o n P r o y e c t I N N O TA L K - L AW C o d e : U V - S F P I E _ G E R 1 6 - 5 2 0 6 3 3 "Innovación en transferencias de metodologías jurídicas y docentes del Common law"

Edificio Beatriu Civera

Sede California Spain – Campus Initiative C/ Serpis, 29 – 5ª planta